The famous history of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company

Winchester Repeating Arms was founded in 1866 by Oliver Fisher Winchester. Following the American Civil War where early models of the lever-action action rifle proved effective in battle, the first gun to bear the Winchester name was the Winchester Model 1866 Yellow Boy. It was referred to as the ‘Yellow Boy’ thanks to its distinctive brass receiver.

In the American 'cowboys and Indians' era, the Winchester was fast becoming the prime firearm of choice across the States and in fact the world, especially the Ottoman Empire.

Winchester continued to grow with new developments in the firearms industry. The first Winchester bolt action rifle arrived in 1883 with the Model 1883 Winchester Third Model Hotchkiss magazine gun. During this period of growth Winchester began looking into revolvers, however, American company Colt, was already leading in this market and Winchester agreed to stick to making lever action rifles.

Winchester introduced the Model 1885 single shot rifle in 1885, which continues to be produced today followed a year later by the lever-action Winchester Model 1886.

As a company, Winchester have one of the richest histories in the gun trade. With Winchester guns used in all major combats since 1866 and favoured by many former U.S Presidents for hunting and sporting. Winchester is steeped in history.

Features and Benefits of the Winchester rifles

Winchester rifles are known for their lever-action rifles. Many shooters prefer a lever action because for their ability to perform follow up shots better than with a bolt action. Most Winchester lever action rifles are light and suit closer range shooting.

Key Winchester gun models

The most popular Winchester bolt action rifle for sale on guntrader is the Winchester Model 70. The Winchester Model 70 is well regarded among shooters for its original manufacturing techniques and the materials used for its composition. A reliable gun developed from its early model to maximise performance and hold its historic reputation.

The Winchester Model 1894 is the most popular Winchester lever action rifle for sale on guntrader. It is also one of the most famous hunting rifles of all time. It was the first rifle to facilitate the smokeless powder ammunition. The Winchester Model 1894 was much lighter and easier to carry than rifles in its class which has led to it becoming a force of habit purchase choice for many rifle shooters when buying a new or second-hand Model 1894.

We offer a range of Winchester guns for sale on guntrader, both new and used. So if you’re looking for where to buy a specific Winchester firearm you can start by looking here.

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