Aaron Wheeler Gunsmith


Huddersfield, West Yorkshire

Trade Types: Ammunition, Distributor, Gun Transfers, Optics, Parts and Accessories, Air Pistols, Air Rifles, Parts and Accessories, Parts and Accessories, Pistols, Black Powder Guns, Pistols, Pistols, Pistols, Pistols, Parts and Accessories, Rifles, Black Powder Guns, Rifles, Rifles, Rifles, Shotguns, Black Powder Guns, Shotguns, Shotguns

Aaron Wheeler Gunsmith has been established since 2009, although Aaron himself has more than 35 years of experience in the gun trade.

We stock a wide range of different types of guns including airguns (sub-12ft lb legal limit) and pistols, shotguns in all configurations, rifles for both target shooting and hunting and antique guns, both new and second hand. All of our second hand stock is fully stripped and serviced prior to sale and is guaranteed on all replacement parts and function for six months following purchase – we are very unusual in offering this length of guarantee!

As well as the retail shop, we have a full workshop and we provide repair and servicing facilities. Aaron is a specialist in airgun smithing, but is also very experienced in repairing and servicing all the different types of guns.

In addition to the guns and ammunition we hold on stock, we have a wide range of accessories and clothing from the major stockists – most of which are available via this website and can be navigated using the links above. If there is anything that you don’t see, please call or email us.

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