Reeves now benefit and enjoy our new location at the gun shop based in the grounds of the royal berkshire shooting school. We specialize in all aspects of shooting, deer stalking and shooting equipment. We have in stock a comprehensive range of game and sporting guns by beretta, browning, perazzi, blazer, franchi, lanber and betinsoli to name but a few. We also enjoy holding an extremely fine range of bespoke english guns. With rifles we are renowned for our expertise and our very comprehensive range of small and full bore rifles including heym, sauer, mauser, blazer, cz, remington and mercury, plus our extensive range of superb quality and condition pre-owned guns and rifles. Also we stock a very comprehensive range of air rifles including weihrauch, bsa, webley, gamo, hatsan etc
we also supply all accessories, including, optics, sound moderators, gun maintenance products, rifle ammunition and shot gun cartridges. Please call for availability and to discuss any requirement you may have.
Harptree, Hill Bottom, Reading, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, RG8 7PT
7 million+ visitors a year
•900+ makes of guns
•3,750+ Gun Models
•310,000+ guns listed a year
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